If you, like us, are concerned about the health of this planet, a stay at Oceangolf will, literally, not cost the Earth. Eager to be environmentally friendly, we now rely on the sun to provide almost our entire energy usage and draw our water from deep underground reserves alongside extensive water capture. Imagine standing under a hot shower, or swimming in a heated pool, knowing all the warmth has come directly from the sun with water unaffected by drought.
All our hot water is heated directly by solar power, heating 1500 litres of hot water at any one time. Our electricity is generated by 64 solar panels, fitted by Solar Electric, giving us 20KVA, enabling us to use solar power throughout the day and battery storage during the night. We have changed all our lighting to energy saving bulbs, and our outside lights are PIR, solar LED.
We capture all our rainwater from the roof gutters and the driveway, and store it in our tanks for usage in the garden. This keeps our beautiful terraced grounds green all year, purifying the air we breathe and providing a dazzle of flowers and an abundance of seed for wildlife, birds, insects and propagation. Even our grey water, from the sinks, showers and baths, is captured and used to water the flowering pots and shrubs in our courtyard. At Oceangolf no water is wasted.
We have our own borehole, reaching 70 metres underground, which feeds our extensive tank storage of 170,000 litres. Our commercial purification system allows all the water to be pumped into the house, hence there are no water restrictions, and our drinking water is double filtered to ensure its purity. Our guests can have showers and baths whenever they want, but naturally, we still ask them to be careful with this precious resource.
We live in a very beautiful part of the Cape Peninsula and take our impact on the environment very seriously. Our responsibility is to preserve the natural beauty and reduce our energy consumption but we also encourage others to do so. We regularly monitor our energy bills, checking no energy and no water is wasted. Our sinks, baths and showers are fitted with reduced-flow-rate taps and the toilets with water saving twin flushes. We have made a significant reduction in our carbon footprint, with the aim of meeting the standards outlined by the Green Tourism Business Scheme and more importantly so a stay at Oceangolf literally does not cost the Earth.